Singing Guide: Jon & Vangelis

Singing Guide: Jon & Vangelis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Jon Anderson and Vangelis Papathanassiou

Jon Anderson and Vangelis Papathanassiou are two legends of progressive rock that brought to us some of the most beautiful and haunting songs ever produced. With Jon's ethereal voice and Vangelis's innovative and timeless electronic music, this duo created music that effortlessly blends the traditional with the unconventional.

If you're looking to emulate their unique style, these tips from Singing Carrots can help you get started:

  • First, take the Vocal Range Test to determine what vocal range you're working with. Jon's falsetto and Vangelis's synth-heavy instrumentals require a certain level of agility in the higher registers.
  • Next, take the Breath Support Quiz to ensure you're breathing correctly. Effective breath support is key to sustaining Jon's and Vangelis's longer melodies and creating the ethereal quality of their music.
  • Learning how to analyze your voice can also help you emulate Jon's unique vibrato and phrasing. How to analyze your voice, Breathing Basics, and Breath Support articles can add to your efficiency and enhance your outcome. Chest voice exercises can provide dynamic from a broad frequency range.
  • For Jon's falsetto technique, a Twang Exercise video can show you how to increase your vocal range, and for Vangelis's synthetic, spacey aesthetic, try the Sustain Vocal video for tips on sustaining long notes. Vocal Pitch Monitor can also provide great insights into tone and resonance.
  • Song choice is key for emulating Jon's singing style. Consider learning some of his signature tunes like "And You and I" and "Close to the Edge". For Vangelis's influence, try out his unique instrumentals of "Chung Kuo" or "Conquest of Paradise".

These are just a few tips to get started on learning to sing like Jon Anderson and Vangelis Papathanassiou. Singing Carrots offers ample resources, including further articles, exercises, and courses, to help you cultivate your unique voice.

With patience and practice, you too can create the haunting and beautiful sounds that Jon and Vangelis are known for.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.